Two from our storied past: Audio: Pacifica Radio Archives Rosa Parks 1956


DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation website nor an official website of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) of the website only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff or other listener members.
Interview by KPFA’s Sidney Rogers.  [Can jump to 3:42 to skip intro.]


Disclaimer, Basics

Disclaimer, Basics

kpfkmeterinmotion2 One of the beating hearts of KPFK
I worked at KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles / 98.7 FM Santa Barbara    One of 5 Pacifica Stations & about 180 affiliates in the U.S.

93.7 FM North San Diego County – 99.5 FM Ridgecrest/China Lake
3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West – N. Hollywood, CA 91604
Click on your favorite STATION or UNIT along the right-

Don’t forget to donate to KPFK or your station!  PLEASE post your submissions and thoughts on here, just let me know so I can put it up:   TO BROWSE BACK, PLEASE CLICK ON PAST MONTH IN ARCHIVE.

Berkeley, California
(San Francisco Bay Area)
KPFA–94.1 1949
KPFB–89.3 1954
Los Angeles KPFK–90.7 1959 [10]
New York City WBAI–99.5 1960 [12][13]
Houston KPFT–90.1 1970 
Washington, D. C. WPFW–89.3 1977 [11]

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation website nor an official website of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) of the website only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff or other listener members.

Program Changes-


8:30 am The Chris Hedges Report (name change)
9 am Think Outside the Cage with Geri Silva

6 am Democracy Now!
8 am KPFK’s Morning Mix: The Blunt Post with Vic Gerami and Ricky Herrera
2 pm Making Contact
2:30 Richard Wolff
6 pm KPFK’s Rebel Alliance News

6 am DN!
8 am KPFK’s Morning Mix: Voices from the Frontlines with Eric Mann
1 pm Phil & Ted’s Sexy Boomer Show
3 pm Newsviews with Garland Nixon
5 pm The Gray Zone
6  pm KPFK’s Rebel Alliance News

6 am DN!
8 am KPFK’s Morning Mix: Raza Unida Radio with Matt Sedillo, Vanessa Bustamante, Ernesto Ayala
2 pm Poets Cafe
2:30 Laura Flanders
3 pm Lawyers Guild
5 pm Its Going Down
6 pm KPFK’s Rebel Alliance News

6 am DN!
8 am KPFK’s Morning Mix: Radio Insurrection with Hamid Khan
2:30 pm Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton
3 pm Living in the USA with Jon Wiener
4 pm XR – Extinction Rebellion
5 pm 1st & 3rd Thur Body Politic with Dr. Vanessa Carlisle & Dr. Christa Sacco
5 pm 2nd & 4th Thur Healthcare4US with Maureen Cruise, Erika Feresten & Gina Viola
5 pm 5th Thur Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein
6 pm KPFK’s Rebel Alliance News

6 am DN!
8 am Cut to the Chase with Sylvester Rivers
4 pm EcoJustice Radio
6pm KPFK’s Rebel Alliance News

6 am Bike Talk
10 am Liberated Sisters

New, Bad


The sad truth is that the TikTok culture that has become prevalent in this country, has taken listeners from radio stations, including

Pacifica and probably somewhat NPR.

The latest I have heard is that Moe Thomas, from WPFW is again interim General Manager of KPFK. And Ali Lexa is his assistant.

I hope they don’t do their jobs with partisanship shadowing how they do things, or embroil them in internal fighting.

KPFK and the other 4 stations and 3 units are all losing instead of making money to support themselves.

For example the Central Services is way behind, tens of thousands of dollars, in its electricity bills and may be cut off in a matter of days.

The WBAI station is not losing as much money as they used to, because of their new transmitter site, 4 Times Square.

KPFK and KPFT Houston are seriously losing money now.

I believe that one reason is that Ian Masters’ show is gone, and the NDP referendum lost and 4 candidates were disqualified in the last elections. In my opinion NDP is/was whipping up the listener member voters with misleading electioneering, and no one has done a good job of explaining to them why.

The listeners who listened to Ian’s good show but also listened to his mistaken horrible attacks on Pacifica based upon his bad understanding of NDP, and its intentions. I try to listen to everything they say and try to understand what they say, and their legal and other statements of what they want, I can’t understand the differences, and why people think that they are in their own best interests.

And listeners can only hear what KPFK lets them, and candidates and others are assiduously trying

to get their words out.

BTW KPFK’s Pledge Drive is supposed to resume in the next 24-48 hours.

The current Pledge Drive is failing badly, I don’t understand why they don’t level with the listeners and both take listeners calls, and find whatever ways to explain what happened in the elections.

For one thing, they keep harping on the fact that the staff vote at KPFK tipped the balance against the referendum, that’s the staff, including the paid staff, and the volunteer programmers and other volunteers. It has always been standard that staff had separate LSB members, with seats particularly for them on the LSB local station board. Some of these are also voted to become members of the Pacifica National Board. No one has worked against this setup, before, why now?

And FYI the NDP sent out postcards to our listener member lists, and said something like, ‘please send us money so we can take Pacifica to court about the Referendum and other things.’ That’s why 4 candidates were disqualified from KPFK’s LSB. And they were given a remedy, see the email record, and they did not do the remedy, and didn’t explain why not, in my opinion.

There are many details about all this that are documented, if you ask a question I will try to answer them, or tell you where you can find the answer. -Sue Cohen-Johnson

P1 is their core station

T & the Stations Community Advisory Town Hall


us on Saturday, March 5, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m., for a Town Hall Meeting powered by the Community Advisory Board of KPFT. The purpose of this Town Hall meeting is to bring programmers, listeners, and people from diverse communities, committed to a mission to promote peace and justice. This democratic process is achieved through public discourse. Panel members will provide accurate, objective, and comprehensive strategies for news and information on all matters concerning progressive programming.


Novick’s Juicy Update


“The attack on KPFK and Pacifica printed in LA Progressive is disturbing, since Sharon Kyle would have become the new head of Pacifica without an actual election had New Day prevailed on their Bylaws replacement. Jan Goodman –who has termed out after many years on the LSB and PNB — would have gotten the vice-chair position despite that for three more years. The New Day Bylaws also would have split the staff in two, creating a new third class of membership for the unpaid producers and programmers who provide most of the content at all five stations, and giving the paid staff at one station (KPFA) veto power over any further changes to the Bylaws.”
Also disempowering all the stations’ Local Station Boards (except for fundraising). SCJ

Change-Links periodical

Why Radio


Why Radio? Thanks to Dick’s blog

“He was the first person I ever knew that went to Las Vegas every January to the Consumer Electronics Show; now known simply as CES. Each year he would bring new and innovative electronic products into the store.”

​”​Boomers actually began crossing the 70 year old threshold in 2016 and will be growing the 70+ demographic population until the year 2034. Over the next ten years, our numbers will eclipse 55 million with a growth rate twice that of people aged 18-49. ​​””

When I think of all the things that made radio important in people’s lives, I can’t help but notice that these very attributes are now fulfilled by other sources, and often done better than broadcast radio. Here’s a partial list of what I’m talking about:

  • Weather: The Weather Channel, Accuweather etc.
  • News: NY Times, Washington Post, TV News Apps, other News Apps etc.
  • School Closings: Schools notify students, faculty & staff via text messages, websites etc.
  • Births/Deaths: social media etc.
  • City Council/School Board meetings: watch them online live
  • Road closures or other important information: text messages, websites, emails
  • Sports: the schools broadcast games online
  • Or to put it more simply, everything radio was famous for, today is easily accessible via the internet on a smartphone​”

I know that these are not relevant to KPFK, but please interpolate.

  • ” My friends, who are now grandparents, have told me stories about riding around with their grandchildren in the car, and their grandchildren have literally asked why they can’t skip past a song when they are listening to a local station. That generation will never embrace traditional terrestrial radio

My wife & I both had long, nearly 50 year radio careers and after long discussion she says the “why” is local sports. I don’t have a “why” yet. I can out-cume any smaller market station with my phone. When everyone is media – nothing is special. No one loves radio more than me. But, the business model is toast

Radio in 2022 serves zero purpose for me and Sirius/XM serves no purpose for me either. Here are the reasons. 1-Any song that I would want to hear, I already have in my computer. 2-I would respond positively to DJs who have quick minds who could do adlib humor. Those DJs are extinct.

As I have said over and over, STUPID owners and STUPID management have thumbed their nose at the LOCAL market. They have abandoned their purpose and so the LOCAL market has abandoned them! In their ever present STUPID “do it on the cheap” mentality they have raised the middle finger to those who were their

If you are listening to radio via their WEB stream or via their over-the-air signal, you will hear their commercials. 4+ minutes of commercials is not a long break by today’s standards. Many music stations run over 10-minute breaks (20, :30 spots) and to me that is unlistenable. And frankly, that is what drove me to XM and now independent Internet radio. Now cell phone carriers are inserting spots at the beginning of a connection. But these are very short.

It still wakes me up in the morning and entertains/informs as I prepare for the day in the bathroom. Satellite in the car & on the computer,

Doug Herendeen

Interesting we’re told we need more local content. Oh, but don’t give the scores of last night’s local game; they can get that on their phones. Oh, don’t do school closings on-air, that’s what your website is for. Don’t mention the school board meetings, no one cares. Don’t make the tamest joke about the Mayor; corporate doesn’t want to defend your butt. If you’re simply going to give everything away to the Internet or what’s left of newspapers, maybe quit whining? Y

“. . . in the public interest . . . “

When hands and eyes are busy at other things, radio still pleases.

it still frees up eyeballs for other tasks like driving. I still prefer to listen to NPR than any podcast. Newsradio for up to date information. Am also addicted to the many college radio stations where I live, introducing me to mindblowingly excellent music that I’d never find on streaming services or anywhere else. In homes with smartspeakers, it’s a lot easier to tell Alexa to play a radio station with music you like than it is to get Alexa to do a playlist from a streaming service.

my grandmother in the 1950s and 1960s. You NEVER, EVER disturbed her when “Hometown News” was on because it gave the obituary listings, farm prices, and police reports from the region. Local service at its finest. When I beg

My recurring night sweat is being in a station with an office and being ignored by everyone as I desperately try to find a format or solution or any little thing I can do to be relevant. It’s the obsolete nightmare and it’s worse than “the dream” ever was.

You can’t be a jukebox with static, fade, power and signal direction changes etc. Live and local with relatable personalities will bring audiences back. Again, terrestrial commercial broadcasters have to find their WHY!

Human companion, when not voice tracked.

Back when we were radio kids, the answer was different for different folks. For some radio was a friend, for others a jukebox, and for still others, a link to their world.

Dick, I think the why at least for noncommercial stations is curiosity. Folks open to new ideas, to learning from expert presenters about musical geniuses, who truly appreciate the beauty of thoughtful curation will continue to discover and support those stations. It’s still your lean back companion, succinctly providing local weather and news updates. And lubricating commerce with brief sponsor reminders. Keep it about passion and joy and respect for the audience. It won’t matter whether folks get us via the smartphone or the new smart-tooth implant, they will still seek and support radio. Be there for them, the opinion makers in our communities and they will be there for us.

5-Year Ago History


Excerpt from

Pacifica: putting the pieces back together

September 13, 2014 by Save KPFA

Last month, we reported on the dire state of the books at Pacifica, the nonprofit that owns KPFA. Pacifica’s new CFO Raul Salvador and board chair Margy Wilkinson (a member of SaveKPFA) found an operation in disarray, after being locked out of the network’s National Office next door to KPFA for two months by ousted executive Summer Reese. Bookkeeping entries had not been made for nine months, and there were unpaid bills lying in large, unorganized stacks, some of which were slated to be shredded until Wilkinson intervened.

After weeks spent reconstructing financial data, Pacifica’s new staff have now issued the most complete network financial statements since Pacifica’s 2012 audit.

Stiffing pension to pay consultants

KPFA Bldg built around 1990

There was massive overspending at the National Office, which, according to a report from Pacifica National Finance Committee chair Brian Edwards-Tiekert “produced the largest loss the Pacifica National Office has posted since the height of Pacifica’s civil war in 2001.”

Adding injury to injury: while last year’s leadership was running up large bills with temp agencies, consultants, and law firms, they were skipping payments to the pension fund for Pacifica workers, and holding on to payroll taxes that were supposed to go to the IRS.

The good news: the overspending and deficits appear to have leveled out. So far this year, the network is basically breaking even, and there are more savings on the horizon. If Pacifica is able to restore its eligibility for Corporation for Public Broadcasting funding, it should run a healthy surplus. (CPB funding was suspended in 2013 over compliance issues, cutting the network’s revenues by over $1 million per year). | READ financial report, Excel financial spreadsheets (balance sheets, income statements, consolidated monthly sheet)

Crisis management

The biggest challenge facing Pacifica’s new leadership are the angry creditors they have inherited from the Reese era — several of which have initiated lawsuits.

But there is progress on this front as well: new interim executive director Margy Wilkinson negotiated a 21-month interest-free payment plan with an attorney who had been suing Pacifica over unpaid bills. And in early September, the Pacifica National Board voted to approve a 0% interest loan of $156,000 to cover an unpaid tax bill it inherited and head off further penalties. The loan comes from Aris Anagnos, co-founder of the Los Angeles Peace Center and the Humanitarian Law Project, as well as a long-time supporter of Pacifica’s KPFK in Los Angeles. (You can learn more about Anagnos by listening to this interview with him on KPFK). Anagnos had asked that the discussion of the loan and his name both be made public — to inspire other major supporters to join him in helping Pacifica through its current difficulties.

Now that Pacifica’s financial records are getting cleaned up, Wilkinson reports that it’s getting easier to push back on some claims by creditors. Recently, she talked down a vendor threatening to sue over money Pacifica had already paid.

Still unresolved is the money owed to Pacifica’s pension fund, and lawsuits over unpaid bills, including one from a temp agency Pacifica used heavily last year, and another from Free Speech Radio News, which was forced off the air in mid-2013 after Pacifica stopped making payments for its daily newscast. . . . “

Intv. with New Manager


Excerpt: “M.C.: The potential in radio’s second largest market is enormous. When I started in radio, one of the first lessons I was taught was about the special bond that exists between the listener and the station; between the host and the audience. It’s like a personal, intimate relationship.

My impression is that, unfortunately, KPFK has sometimes deceived its most precious asset, the audience. That is to say, our core “business” is radio. We should abide by the un-written rules of radio, no matter what. I don’t see any other path to regain KPFK’s audience than to regain the confidence and trust of its listeners again.

The only way to do so is by delivering our message through the evergreen radio truth: to educate, inform, and entertain. All three actions must go along jointly and evenly. . . . “

Election debate Today, Listeners & Candidates

Pacifica Listener Forum1:59 PM (2 hours ago)
to Pacifica, bcc: me

Greetings All
Just a reminder:
The Pacifica Listener Forum conference call is TODAY Saturday 9/11 at 2pm PT / 5pm ET.The call will last about 2 hours, and you can join the call at any time. Access info is below.
Hope to have you on the call today. All members of the Pacifica Radio community are welcome to participate. Please join us and invite others.
Peace,Andrew Weiss
Co-Coordinator – Pacifica Listener Forum Listener / Member – KPFK Los Angeles email:





Here is the telephone access:

Access is free and available with any type of telephone. No app needed.

Telephone Access Method #1:

Dial-In Phone #: (563) 999-1448

Access Code:     No access code needed with this number.

Telephone Access Method #2:

Dial-In Phone #:  (978) 990-5389

Access Code:      6765783**********
Here is the link to the online access:

Note: For online access you might need to download the free app for the hosting serviceavailable on their website at No app needed for the telephone access.

LSBs of the stations, elections


“You are invited to participate in another on-air candidate forum – this time it will be broadcast in Spanish and there will be live language interpretation for any and all who need it. The forum will be from 8:30-10:30PM PST on Monday, September 27th.There will be more details to follow about protocol and how language interpretation will work, but it will again take place in a Zoom meeting which will be patched through and broadcast live on KPFK. Candidates will have a chance to introduce themselves to listeners, and the rest of the program will be for listeners to call in and ask questions, with each candidate having the opportunity to respond.”

Pacifica has around 200 Affiliates


A little about Pacifica…

Pacifica’s tradition of unhampered access to the airwaves has allowed our network to play a uniquely focal role in American media. We have broken pivotal news stories and brought issues and artists to the spotlight that may have been overlooked.

We broadcast via satellite and Internet and have one of the most extensive and important sound archives in the world. With a network of approximately 200 affiliate stations, we are energizing independent community radio through collaboration, interactivity and program exchange throughout the network.

Pacifica Foundation established the concept of community radio in the United States when it created KPFA in 1949 in Berkeley, California. Today, Pacifica owns WBAI in New York City, WPFW in Washington DC, KPFT in Houston Texas, KPFK in Los Angeles, and KPFA in the San Francisco Bay Area.


On Air Now
One Time Pledge
Listen To Archives
One Time Pledge

Pacifica Announces Settlement With Empire State Building and Empire State Realty Trust

“- 04/06/2018

For Immediate Release

Contact: Tom Livingston Tel: (510) 316-9783 Email:

Pacifica Announces Settlement With Empire State Building and Empire State Realty Trust  

(New York) – The Pacifica Foundation announced today the settlement on a series of agreements that release WBAI, the organization’s New York radio station, from a court judgment as well as the last two years of its lease at the Empire State Building as of May 31, 2018. The Foundation is also in the final stages of completing an agreement to relocate its transmission facility to a new site nearby. The agreements and move will preserve Pacifica’s service to millions of people in the New York Metro area.

The settlement, announced by the Pacifica National Board, relieves Pacifica of a $1.8 million 2017 judgment for Empire State Realty Trust (the organization that operates the Empire State Building) and against WBAI and Pacifica, additional rent and penalties accrued since the judgment was issued, and any remaining obligations that would have incurred after May 31, 2018.

Funding for the settlement was provided through a loan from the non-profit lender FJC, which includes a reserve amount that frees Pacifica from maki . . . “

“About Pacifica

Started in 1946 by conscientious objector Lew Hill, Pacifica’s storied history includes impounded program tapes for a 1954 on-air discussion of marijuana, broadcasting the Seymour Hersh revelations of the My Lai massacre, bombings by the Ku Klux Klan, going to jail rather than turning over the Patty Hearst tapes to the FBI, and Supreme Court cases. Those cases include the 1984 decision that noncommercial broadcasters have the constitutional right to editorialize, and the Seven Dirty Words ruling following George Carlin’s incendiary performances on WBAI.

The Pacifica Foundation operates noncommercial radio stations in five major metropolitan areas, operates the Pacifica Radio Archives with decades of historical audio, and syndicates content to over 300 affiliate stations. Pacifica invented listener-sponsored radio.

About Public Media Company

Public Media Company is a nonprofit strategic consulting firm that fosters innovative and sustainable local media in communities across the U.S. Over the past 17 years, Public Media Company has worked with more than 300 public media organizations in 49 states, facilitating more than $338 million in public media station acquisitions and impacting 80 million people, or 1-in-5 Americans. Public Media Company worked with a number of public television stations on the spectrum auction and launched and managed the innovative content-sharing and discovery platforms Channel X and VuHaus. The Public Media Venture Group is Public Media Company’s latest entrepreneurial effort that seeks to strengthen local public media stations and the communities they serve.

About FJC

FJC, A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, is a 501c(3) public charity whose mission is advancing donors’ charitable goals and financial planning through creative and pioneering solutions including its non-profit Agency Loan Fund (ALF). FJC offers the ALF as an investment option to donor advised funds and to qualified tax exempt not-for-profit organizations. ALF loans have helped finance projects for public radio and television stations, the establishment of group homes for the disabled, classes for special needs children, programs at community centers for the aged, adult literacy programs, cultural institutions, and arts programs. “

New WBAI transmitter building

Dick Gregory public affairs & health


” . . . Again, these issues were know to all for decades. The debates in the Program Council at WBAI over Gary Null when he made 40-60% of the revenue never focused on whether those arguing it were simply incapable of crafting a sound that attracted 17,000 people an hour.
I suggest that people see the new documentary on Dick Gregory which SHOWTIME has.
I always admired and learned from him.  At one point I had all his records which I listened to again and again.
But I found the commentary on his interest in health issues fascinating. It reminded me of one of the telling comments in the WBAI Program Council when people would freak out over his attraction to a mass audience. 
Barbara Nimri Aziz simply said , “Don’t you undrestand how he makes people feel about themselves. he makes them feel good since he is directing his advicfe to make them live longer and take care of themselves. It’s obvious”
This is from wikipedia about Gregory’s health campaigning which I had totally forgotten about.

Vegetarianism and animal rights

Gregory became a vegetarian and fasting activist in 1965 “based on the philosophy of nonviolence practiced during the Civil Rights Movement.”[His 1973 book, Dick Gregory’s Natural Diet For Folks Who Eat: Cookin’ With Mother Nature, outlined how fasting and going vegetarian led to dramatic weight loss.[54] He developed a diet drink called “Bahamian Diet Nutritional Drink” and went on TV shows advocating his diet and to help the morbidly obese. He wrote the introduction to Viktoras Kulvinskas’ book Survival into the 21st Century.A talk he gave at Amherst College in 1986 inspired Tracye McQuirter to become a vegan activist.

In 1984, he founded Health Enterprises, Inc., a company that distributed weight-loss products. With this company, Gregory made efforts to improve the life expectancy of African Americans, which he believed was being hindered by poor nutrition and drug and alcohol abuse. In 1985, Gregory introduced the “Slim-Safe Bahamian Diet”, a powdered-diet mix. He launched the weight-loss powder at the Whole Life Expo in Boston under the slogan “It’s cool to be healthy”. The diet mix, if drunk three times a day, was said to provide rapid weight loss. Gregory received a multimillion-dollar distribution contract to retail the diet.[

In 1985, the Ethiopian government adopted, to reported success, Gregory’s formula to combat malnutrition during a period of famine in the country. Gregory’s clients included Muhammad Ali.

In 2014, Dick Gregory updated his original 4X formula, which was the basis for the Bahamian Diet and created his new and improved “Caribbean Diet for Optimal Health”.

In 2003, Gregory and Cornel West wrote letters on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to Kentucky Fried Chicken‘s CEO, asking that the company improve its animal-handling procedures.[Gregory saw civil rights and animal rights as intrinsically linked, once stating, “Because I’m a civil rights activist, I am also an animal rights activist. Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and vicious taking of life. We shouldn’t be a part of it.”
I am personally less interested in these kinds of issues than others but that is MY PERSONAL PREFERNCE. I learned decdaes ago to spearate my personal preferences from the practical necessities of financing very fragile fiscal realities at Pacifica stations. . . . “

1999 Momentous Events


From ”

July 13, 1999


Explosive Pacifica Radio Memo Raises Storm(1999)

by Jeffrey St. Clair – Alexander Cockburn


” . . . Latest evidence of the Board’s bad faith comes in the form of an email, purportedly from Micheal Palmer, a real estate broker in Houston who is treasurer-elect on the governing board. The text of the memo follows. Palmer’s email to Pacifica national board chair Mary Frances Berry puts forward a plan to destroy grassroots opposition and raise money to pay for the voracious cash needs of the national superstructure by selling either KPFA, the network’s flagship station in the Bay Area, valued at around $70 million, or WBAI in New York, probably worth even more . . . .”

” . . . There are a couple puzzling features in the address panel of the email. Berry’s name middle name is incorrectly spelled, though Micheal is the proper spelling of Palmer’s first name. How can such an explosive memo be seeing the light of day instead of remaining locked in Mary Frances Berry’s safe? The truth is ironic and extraordinary. The IGC internet service provider did a trace and confirms that the email originated at Micheal Palmer’s email account. (Click here to read the IGC trace of the email’s origins.) But it was sent to the email address of Andrea Buffa, director of the San Francisco Media Alliance and one of the protesters on whom Pacifica manager Lynn Chadwick had conducted a citizen’s arrest for demonstrating outside the Pacifica national offices in Berkeley. Buffa was arraigned on July 13 directing the attention of the press to the text of the letter on CounterPunch’s website. (Click here to read press release from the Media Alliance.) It seems that Palmer in one of the most momentous Freudian slips in recent memory managed to direct his email to an active opponent of all the schemes being hatched by him and Berry. . . . “

” . . .

From: Palmer, Micheal @ Houston Galleria,
To: ‘Mary Francis Berry’, . . . “

From the email: ” . . . But seriously, I was under the impression there was support in the proper quarters, and a definite majority, for shutting down that unit and re-programming immediately. Has that changed? Is there consensus among the national staff that anything other than that is acceptable/bearable? I recall Cheryl saying that the national staff wanted to know with certitude that they supported 100% by the Board in whatever direction was taken; what direction is being taken?

As an update for you and Lynn I spoke with the only radio broker I know last week and his research shows $750,000-$1.25m for KPFB. There wo . . . “

” . . . This is the best radio market in history and while public companies may see a dilutive effect from a sale (due to the approximate 12 month repositioning effort needed), they would still be aggressive for such a signal. Private media companies would be the most aggressive in terms of price, which he thinks could be in the $65-75m range depen . . . “

” . . . the Finance Committee will undertake a close review of the Audigraphics data provided recently to determine what it is costing us per listener, per subscriber, per market, per hour of programming…in order give the Executive Director and the General Managers benchmarks for improvement. Even with that data my feeling is that a more beneficial disposition would be of the New York signal as there is a smaller subscriber base without the long and emotional history as the Bay Area, far more associated value, a similarly dysfunctional staff though far less effective and an overall better opportunity to redefine Pacifica going forward. It is simply the more strategic asset. . . .”

Then he wrote: ” . . . An afternoon panel discussion on the Pacifica crisis will be held Saturday, July 24 from 1-4 p.m. at the Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, 9550 Haskell Avenue in North Hills. Panelists include former Pacifica board president Peter Franck, fired Pacifica national programmer Larry Bensky, KPFK local advisory board chair and litigant David Adelson , and long-time KPFK programmer Roy Tuckman. Dr. Helen Caldicott will also address the issues via a pre-taped presentation. . . . “

From 1999

Please note, an email’s origin can be traced back.

From 2014, bad actors, history


Folks reveal their own bad intentions in their own writings:

Los Angeles Indymedia : Activist News

by ERIC C. JACOBSON Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2014 at 2:07 PM
ECJLA@AOL.COM (310) 204-0677 PO Box 67674, Los Angeles, CA 90067 Excerpts follow:

” . . . A case in point is Carol Spooner. She was the lead plaintiff in one of the two main “listener lawsuits” that succeeded in “taking back Pacifica” during the last major crisis involving the Foundation at the turn of the 21st century

Ms. Spooner and her allies wrested control of Pacifica Foundation away from a self-perpetuating Board of opportunists who really were aiming to denature Pacifica’s heritage and essence, put it into service of what the late, great Alexander Cockburn called “the neo-liberal inferno” and remake Pacifica into a benign Democratic-establishment-friendly left-of-center version of National Public Radio. Ms. Spooner then spent the next half-decade immersed in enervating factional conflicts with others who competed for power within the new framework of democratic governance for Pacifica enshrined in complex bylaws adopted following the final seizure of Pacifica in 2002 from the “ancient regime”.

Ms. Spooner spelled-out the (burn-out driven) thinking of her and (presumably) her allies at KPFA (the Foundation’s Berkeley station) in a published article in 2012, found online here:

In it she (astonishingly) calls for the Pacifica Foundation to dissolve its 5 station union, transfer its valuable broadcast licenses to the governing bodies of its constituent stations, sell WBAI into the commercial marketplace and distribute the proceeds as “endowments” to the remaining 4 stations. Suffice it say this is a very radical and almost certainly legally untenable proposal (given the trust and fiduciary responsibilities of any Pacifica Board of Directors to maintain fidelity to the founders’ non-profit mission and the charitable nature of Pacifica’s acquisition of WBAI), and would come as a shock to the vast majority of the 80,000 listener-sponsors at the 5 stations. Most Pacifica station listener sponsors like the idea of Pacifica being a small but proud “national progressive radio network” and want to build that network up, not shatter it to pieces. . . .”

” . . . For example, Pacifica acquired its New York City station WBAI (in 1960) as a charitable gift from philanthropist Louis Schweitzer. Schweitzer’s stated purpose was “to liberate a single element of mass media technology on behalf of the public” and thereby enhance “the free marketplace of ideas.” . The law treats such charitable bequests as perpetual and although a court could permit subsequent stewards of such a donated property to divest themselves of it, under the “cy pres” doctrine, the most they could do is transfer it to another strictly non-profit organization equally devoted to the donor’s charitable purpose. In sum WBAI cannot legally be sold into the commercial marketplace in the unimaginable event a majority of Pacifica listener-sponsors voted to do so.

Yet in recent interviews Ms. Reese has recounted a stunning conversation she had on this subject with Dan Siegel, the Oakland, California lawyer who brought another of the lawsuits in the “take back Pacifica” mobilization of ~2000, and who has been a protagonist in Pacifica’s factional wars ever since (particularly those occurring at KPFA). In August of 2013 Mr. Siegel endorsed Ms. Spooner’s proposal although they differ on some “fine points”. See an exchange between Mr. Siegel and Ms. Spooner found here: .

And according to journalist Paul Derienzo found here ( ) Mr. Siegel told Ms. Reese that he (Siegel) would “sell WBAI to save KPFA”, the Berkeley station. The article also quotes former KPFA Local Station Board (LSB) member and Reese supporter Tracy Rosenberg . . .”

” . . . Although Mr. Siegel is no longer on the PNB (due to Bylaws provisions . . . Ms. Reese’s main antagonist on the PNB majority is Dan Siegel’s law partner Jose Fuentes, the member who made the motion for her termination at the very end of the March 13, 2013 telephonic Board meeting. Given the close relationship between Siegel and Fuentes, it is reasonable to assume that Fuentes and his colleagues in the Board majority are likely pursuing Ms. Spooner’s outlandish “game plan”

As to some of those: PDGG is seeking to restrain the Board majority from breaching Ms. Reese’s contract. And it is not seriously disputed by anyone that the Pacifica Foundat . . . “

” . . . The Board did not provide notice to its own members that Ms. Reese’s termination would be voted upon at the March 13th meeting, and took the vote with 4 members absent and without hea . . . “


by Kim Kaufman Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2014 at 11:44 PM
“…3 out of the 4 current delegates to the PNB from KPFK, my home station here in Los Angeles, have evidently joined forces with like-minded cohorts from KPFA…”

One current PNB member, Lydia Brazon, is surely one of the architect’s of this plan going way back. She and Dan Siegel have long been allies and co-conspirators..

Thank you for this well written article.”

Carol Spooner supports Summer Reese

by Carol Spooner Saturday, Apr. 12, 2014 at 11:22 AM

I strongly support Summer Reese in her position as Executive Director of Pacifica and in her efforts to preserve and protect the network and five Pacifica stations and their mission, and to prevent the total collapse of Pacifica into bankruptcy court, pay-off its debts, clean-up the corruption and financial mess, and rebuild.

I believe those Pacifica directors who voted to fire her without cause weeks after her contract was signed acted with gross abuse of their authority and have recklessly and/or intentionally placed Pacifica in grave peril. Some of them may just be acting out of cluelessness and factional malice. But others of them are not clueless, including Dan Siegel’s “SaveKPFA” allies at KPFA — Margy Wilkinson, Brian Edwards-Tiekert and Jose Luis Fuentes — and Lydia Brazon at KPFK and Cerene Roberts at WBAI. I’ve heard speculation and rumors about what their ultimate “end game” intentions may be, but whatever that is they are clearly attempting to force Pacifica into a position where desperate deals may have to be made that may not preserve and protect Pacifica’s mission.

It is true that in August 2012 I circulated the outlines of a plan for an “amicable divorce” at Pacifica — by doing a signal swap for WBAI (which is in the commercial band) with another station down the dial in the NYC area and using the cash generated to endow an independent Pacifica national programming service as well as five independent nonprofit radio stations set up by the local boards at the five signal areas. You can read it here:

I still think that may be the best way forward, but reasonable people can disagree about that. I know that Summer Reese disagrees.

What is not subject to reasonable disagreement is that firing the Executive Director, in breach of her contract, exposes Pacifica to serious risk of total collapse with little or no opportunity for an orderly resolution to its difficulties.

As a side note, it’s easy to get lost in the cast of characters who have been involved in Pacifica, so I don’t blame Eric Jacobson for his confusion and mistaken characterizations of me and my role at Pacifica. I served on the Pacifica National Board for 3 years — from January 2002 through January 2005 — first on the “interim” Pacifica Board for 2 years after our lawsuit was settled removing the old corporatizing board. During that time I chaired the committee that re-wrote the bylaws creating a democratic Pacifica with a voting membership. I then served for one year on the first elected board, after which I retired from any formal role at Pacifica. Since then I’ve sent out occasional email commentaries over the years, and have supported those candidates who I believed were best suited to ending the enervating factionalism and rebuilding Pacifica for the “beacon of the Left” that it should be and needs to be in these times. . . . “

Carol Spooner is a retired attorney living in Santa Rosa. She can be reached at

Feb. 2020-Some History for Beginners


Berkeleyside Newsletter

Feb. 2020: KPFA’s building in Berkeley set to be auctioned off for non-payment of taxes

The progressive radio station has not paid property taxes since December 2013 and owes $486,751. The Pacifica Foundation, which owns the station, is not revealing whether it has a rescue plan.

KPFA’s iconic building on Martin Luther King Jr. Way is set to be auctioned off March 20 because of the non-payment of taxes.

The progressive radio station has not paid property taxes on 1929 MLK Jr. Way since December 2013, and currently owes $486,751 to Alameda County. The Tax Assessor’s office has a contract with Bid4assets to sell off delinquent properties. The public auction will start at 8:30 a.m. March 20 and continue until March 23 at 3:30 p.m. The minimum bid is $486,853.

The station has until March 19 to pay the debt to stop the auction.

“We’re all freaking out about it,” said Christina Huggins, the chair of the KPFA local station board. “We’re all worried about it. It’s alarming.”

KPFA HQ in Berkeley. Photo: Siciliana Trevino
KPFA is currently located at 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way. Photo: Siciliana Trevino

The management of the Pacifica Foundation, the parent organization of KPFA, and four other radio stations around the country, did not respond to a request for comment. Huggins and other KPFA officials have been told to step back and not get involved with the tax bill, said Huggins.

She and others believe that the Pacifica Foundation has hired a Southern California law firm, Alpert Barr & Grant, to negotiate a settlement with the Alameda County Tax Collector. Berkeleyside’s call to Alpert Barr & Grant was not returned. Lydia Brazon, Pacifica’s new interim executive director, did not return Berkeleyside’s emails.

The enormous property tax bill is only the latest crisis for the progressive radio network that started in 1949. For many years there has been infighting among various factions at the Pacifica Foundation and inside KPFA, as well as between the foundation and radio station. There have been revolving executive directors and interim EDs at Pacifica Foundation — 19 since 2003 — and a changing cast of board members at KPFA. The internal politics are complex . . .”

WBAI takeover, finances


Excerpts from Indybay publication:

Why the Pacifica National Office intervened at WBAI by Akio Tanaka
Thursday Nov 14th, 2019 4:28 AM Pacifica have a directorship that somehow believes you can VOTE reality out of existence. Recently, as I was reading an exchange between Bill Crosier, KPFT Director, and Tracy Rosenberg, former KPFA Director, regarding the crisis at WBAI, it seemed that they were talking past each other. So, I asked a fellow board member Darlene Pagano, who sits on the Audit Committee, for her take on the exchange. I want to share her response.

Akio Tanaka

“Hello Akio,

I joined the PNB Audit committee, having been on the non-profit org side of many an audit in my time, and what I can say is that NETA is pulling Pacifica out of a lot of stinking muck and mud and we should be as thrilled with them as we can possibly be. NETA has been sounding the alarm on the Pacifica financial DISASTER since about day 3 of working with us.

I do think that there was NO money to further give to WBAI, and the fact that no one said NO to their GM earlier (and then dealt with the consequences) was an incredible lapse of Fiduciary responsibility at the very top of our governance structure.

John Vernile did do what an Executive Director should do, and that is make hard choices and prioritize the PACIFICA FOUNDATION needs, even if is a terrible shock to one station. Triage.!!

The NFC meetings affirm to me that NETA (a professional, “dis-interested” financial specialty firm) is the best thing that has happened to Pacifica recently. The financial documents they produce can be relied upon and will give the iED and all the GM’s a great deal of help in making some hard decisions and possible direction in planning.

Major donors and lenders will be helped by this level of verified information as well. Perhaps even our CA Attorney General who has made repeated warnings about revoking our Incorporation due to th . . . “


Kinda Ridiculous …. by Tracy Rosenberg
Sunday Nov 24th, 2019 6:10 AM “While I can’t help what some people want to believe, it is really sad to see people on the board of a community radio network being so oblivious to what their mission actually is: to operate local community radio stations. The mission of a nonprofit is not a joke. It’s the purpose of its existence. And nobody ever said it was going to be financially easy.

Pacifica’s national office is bleeding money right and left, due to poor supervision by the board. Plain and simple. The numbers are right in front of our faces. Anyone who chooses not to look at them is simply complicit in a blame game that is focused on dangling WBAI and its very lucrative broadcast license as a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Look at these crazy numbers for a supposedly poor national office that claims it is on the verge of collapse due to a payroll loan of $35,000 for a week.

A national office payroll of $1.026 million dollars over the past two years.

National office consulting contracts totaling $399,417 over the past two years.

National office legal bills totaling $607,785 over the past two years.

National office contracted accountants totaling $321,933 in the past year. (The NETA folks).

National office corporate travel totaling $61,000 in the past year or more than $5,000 a month.

More than $2.0 million dollars received in major donor income and how much used to pay back a loan due in 2021 that holds real estate assets including the three production studios in Berkeley, LA and Houston?

Answer: $100,000 or 5% of the total.

Get real.”

Visit your friends before it’s too late


The bad news is, author, playwright, radio comic, Joseph K. Adams has passed. I will so miss him. Here’s the last (worth reading) I heard from Joesky:
“I think I think it’s important to try what you feel will help, reasonably, short of intense self-prescribed drug treatment. Acknowledging that it’s sad for a reason. And facing that reason. For me it was being molested as a child and having to deal with it where it belongs, in the past, I was for, I’m not for now. And I can protect me. That is a huge amount of growth. My story.May 19May 19, 2021, 5:04 PMYou sent May 19Many of the men I have met recently were molested, the latest by catholics.You sent May 19Sounds like a good reason to attach to your inner childJoseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 19Child molestation and rape in any form qualify for ptsd. Being held at gunpoint or otherwise having your life at risk in a violent crime. Being in combat for people are repeatedly trying to kill you. There are lots of reason for PTSD but the first issue is getting honest with it. It’s terrifying and no one ever wants to admit being that powerless. But with the work I’ve done I’ve learned how to put it where it belongs, in my past, and connect to the parts of me that were isolated in different tragedies.Joseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 19I suggest you look up a c e, adverse childhood events, from the cdc. It’s goes long beyond adult children of alcoholics,. It’s really very good.You sent May 19I want to send your words to my friend. If necessary could I use your name?Joseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 19Certainly. We go back quite a ways and I have never found you to abuse my reference or credit. Feel free.You sent May 19Thank youJoseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 19


You sent May 19My job before Covid was teach english as a 2nd language. If I can’t do that again, maybe I will look for another avocation


1Joseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 19I’ve always felt it important to do work that would leave something behind, and help someone. Sounds like that job did.You sent May 19For then, but that’s over. I have a knack for finding the worst in things.You sent May 19I feel proud of what I did for KPFK and its listenersYou sent May 19I sent much of your words to him.May 20May 20, 2021, 8:41 PMYou sent May 20How are you, when is your bedtime?May 20May 20, 2021, 9:05 PMJoseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 20I was in a zoom meeting. I don’t have a specific bedtime but I’m turning in pretty quick. How are you doing?You sent May 20Are you doing groups by zoom? More power to ya!Joseph K. AdamsJoseph sent May 20I’ve been stranded at home without being able to go to meetings for a very long time. When the pandemic hit and people started doing Zoom it was my chance to quote get out quoteJoseph sent May 20I hope people will still do them later.”

You sent May 20Now that I’m forced to learn how ( sort of) I think we’ll continue.You sent May 20June 18 at 3:22 PMFri 3:22 PMYou sent June 18 at 3:22 PM

Roebuck & Adams

Interesting Info from NDP endorser



“Why the Pacifica National Office intervened at WBAI by Akio Tanaka
Thursday Nov 14th, 2019 4:28 AM Pacifica have a directorship that somehow believes you can VOTE reality out of existence. Recently, as I was reading an exchange between Bill Crosier, KPFT Director, and Tracy Rosenberg, former KPFA Director, regarding the crisis at WBAI, it seemed that they were talking past each other. So, I asked a fellow board member Darlene Pagano, who sits on the Audit Committee, for her take on the exchange. I want to share her response.

Akio Tanaka

Hello Akio,

I joined the PNB Audit committee, having been on the non-profit org side of many an audit in my time, and what I can say is that NETA is pulling Pacifica out of a lot of stinking muck and mud and we should be as thrilled with them as we can possibly be. NETA has been sounding the alarm on the Pacifica financial DISASTER since about day 3 of working with us.

I do think that there was NO money to further give to WBAI, and the fact that no one said NO to their GM earlier (and then dealt with the consequences) was an incredible lapse of Fiduciary responsibility at the very top of our governance structure.

John Vernile did do what an Executive Director should do, and that is make hard choices and prioritize the PACIFICA FOUNDATION needs, even if is a terrible shock to one station. Triage.!!”

Some arguments from Inside

Fri, Jun 11, 6:06 PM (4 days ago)

Our Board problem is that the members don’t know who they’re voting for or against. We need to wake up and join the computer age, and really show who we are on line. And we should show pro and con arguments for all issues on line.
I have many more arguments, but I don’t know if.

Jun 11, 2021, 5:43 PM (4 days ago)

The problem is not this or that form of governance. The problem is the people who have been in governance all these years. NDP are the same old people who not only created the “bad” bylaws but are now putting themselves in unremovable leadership positions. The same people who broke Pacifica can not fix it with a “new methodology,” which really does little more than try to eliminate the “other faction.” 

Taking the loan was in and of itself not negligent governance, although it was not great. Needing the loan was the result of negligent governance. “Working on audience,” Pacifica’s core business, should have been a focus and I believe that almost everyone in governance for the last 20 years believes they have/had the key to that – if only the other faction didn’t get in their way. Each faction has had their turn, with only decreasing results with each switch. NDP are the same people who think they’re geniuses and some of them have now been part of both factions, all of which has produced negative results. Even if NDP is approved, there will be new factions from the same old people making more bad decisions.

John Vernile may be a professional in some areas but not, as far as I can tell, in the radio business. KPFA will be making the decisions and if you like that, then bravo, you’ve won the brass ring. This is, of course, what KPFA has been trying to do for over 20 years. There’s not much more to it than that. It’s a crapshow either way.

Next: Facts:United Electrical moved their office from the Bay Area to LA and the staff needed a union with local support. The NLRB ruled that unions can’t represent unpaid staffCWA reps at KPFA represented many KPFA unpaid staff over the years and helped  negotiate a grievance policy for unpaid staff. 
Facts:KPFA has 4 training programs in news, operations, drive time UpFront and the apprentices with a social justice orientation.  It gets grants.  It upgrades technology and supports a full news department.  In this challenged media market it has continues to be self sustaining because of a skilled diverse management team and production and programming training for staff.  
Why is WBAI’s low listenership programming still on the air?   Why is there not a major effort to improve the same old vapid programming and infomercials.  Is it factional control of management, conflicts of interest or lack of broadcasting management skill? It may be a self serving issue for some.   It needs to be investigated and improved.  I appreciate that you care about programming Jim.  It is key to improving WBAI and all the stations. Swearing doesn’t really help convince people. 


Why is WBAI’s low listenership programming still on the air?   Why is there not a major effort to improve the same old vapid programming and infomercials.  Is it factional control of management, conflicts of interest or lack of broadcasting management skill? It may be a self serving issue for some.   It needs to be investigated and improved.  I appreciate that you care about programming Jim.  It is key to improving WBAI and all the stations. Swearing doesn’t really help convince people. 


Subject: Re: A Message From Pacifica’s General Counsel About A False Posting Regarding Jane Fonda

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 9:13 AM >wrote:

> Who knows or cares what level of acrimonious bullshit the various
> factions and sub factions will put forth to justify inertia

it’s a fascinating miniature of the left’s foibles. isn’t resistance to amending those bylaws which have served the foundation ill over the last twenty years properly characterized as self-destructive inertia?

> They have studiously avoided for twenty years dealing with the
> broadcast issues That was obvious from the start during the bylaws
> process and remains so today

eventually, destruction will overcome inertia. if the current bylaws repeatedly failed to install governance which drives audience building via talented managers, shouldn’t the foundation try a new methodology?

the admirable drive to reacquire CPB funding, if it succeeds, may free just enough other revenue to cover interest payments to FJC. taking the loan was negligent governance. needing the loan should have been a strong signal to work on audience, if not in NYC, then somewhere else.
but pacifica did nothing except extend its interest payment obligation.

Suggestions From Outside


Sharon Kyle, editor of LA Progressive will become Pacifica’s ED if the proposed bylaws are adopted. She did a questionnaire which follows the below. Below are my responses/questions to the answers she posts from that questionnaire. My answers are on KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 on Facebook:

Sue Cohen JohnsonAdminSell what off, KPFK? Hire outside professionals? That would make us into NPR!
Sue Cohen JohnsonAdminManager Tarabu Betserai tried really hard to write a killer grant for KPFK, but was crushingly denied. And no CPB either. Grants are not the answer, and they would not be enough.
Sue Cohen JohnsonAdminBetserai was from KPFA, for KPFK’s mgr.
These are comments from outside people, they show how un-aware outsiders are.
Listen to our listeners! They are desperate for health info. Don’t demean assuming they don’t know which is true and false. They want alternative points of view just like they want alternative News and public affairs.
And those are the plurality of our financial support.
What do you think they mean when they say tell the truth about Covid?
Something’s Happening successfully plays alt health info, he knows his overnight audience, leave him alone.
Cut off WBAI? Throw away a huge potential audience in the biggest city and market in the country? Don’t you care about those people?
Last time we had a National fundraising office, they not only sent direct mails to the members of the stations but also wanted the proceeds of station fundrives to go directly to them. And they had a National Program Director. With no local money there’s no no local hiring and no locally chosen programming, like a repeater station?

Moe ThomasThank you for taking note!

Don RushInteresting

Sue Cohen JohnsonAdminThis poll was done by Sharon of LA Progressive who would become the ED of Pacifica if the new bylaws get approved. Can you say “self-serving”? Serve self-interest!?

Moe ThomasSooooo … it is true! The sale of the stations and the wholesale slaughter of the network is definitely on the agenda, despite the denials?

Sue Cohen JohnsonAdminThese are responses to her questionnaire, selected and edited by her. Pollsters know that it’s easy to skew the answers by careful questions.

Moe ThomasUhuh …

NEXT What follows are the suggestions and answers to Her Questionnaire, as published by her:…/…” . . . More to the point than these general statistics are over 300 comments from survey takers. The vast majority of survey respondents who listen to Pacifica believe it is in trouble. Their recommendations fell into five major categories:Fix the FinancesBroaden Its ReachImprove ProgrammingAddress Internal ConflictsDeclare War on Conservative/Moderate media When asked how they would improve Pacifica, many respondents laid out very specific recovery plans. Others had thoughtful comments about the current hullaboo. Rather than attempt to sort, group, or skew those responses, we list a number of them here, followed by a link to all of them. You’re welcome to add your comments below.

” . . . Break up Pacifica. There seems to be no other way to get rid of all of the problems. Maybe keep those stations which function well. Get rich supporters like Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jack Black, Joni Mitchel, Mimi Kennedy, Lebron James, Jane Fonda, Al Gore, etc to give a lot to pay for the launch of the new station that has hired real professionals and accountants. The big signal has to be maintained.Pacifica missed the opportunity to become a university of the air-waves…thus allowing degree earning students to be supported and funded by their local Pacifica radio station…and in turn providing income to the stations involved…allowing for a rapid spread trained journalists, technicians etc..Pacifica has taken a real dive in the last year or so. Instead of edgy, radical news breaking reports, Pacifica has gone the way of NPR with human interest and liked news. I would return to the original format.I think the first order of business needs to be to get more people like me aware of Pacifica. Next would be to generate a backing of paying subscribers. Third would be to develop effective outreach to counter the inevitable badmouthing of Pacifica that can be expected from the likes of Fox News.It may not be the best advice, but I really want to see the Left become more assertive. I do not want violence, but the Left could be more aggressive in attacking the Right.It may not be the best advice, but I really want to see the Left become more assertive. I do not want violence, but the Left could be more aggressive in attacking the Right.Not to feel as dry. Also, it’s good to have progressive leftist programming but also have Moderate programming with leftist viewpoints so that more of a mass audience can relate. More programming from the viewpoint of the everyday person and what they are going through and how progressive policies are helping them in their life.Declare war on liberal AND conservative media – two different flavors of the same propaganda. Be fiercely independent. You cannot frame stuff as “fighting back against the right” since the left as just as, if not more corrupt. Rebrand as the ONLY source of propaganda-free news. Attack the phony narratives. tell the truth about Covid and Israel and the USA being the world’s biggest terrorist state and Biden being a lifelong conman/grifter. That’s a good place to start. You have to win people back by telling the truth. That’s how Krystal and Saagar did it.Oh, so many ways. There has to be a rejiggering of mentality, and there should be a push for foundation money — really — to create real people’s news. Produced and directed by and given by the people — the poor, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden, the BIPOC, marginalized, and those of us who are hard left socialists, communists.Dispense with the snake-oil and magic crystal shows. How can Pacifica brag about its honesty when it is peddling false medical claims for untested products?KPFK needs to be better integrated with the struggles and issues of local communities. Needs to do better outreach and marketing. Many local people are not aware of Pacifica. Beyond issues taken on by progressive, issues of concern to regular working people need to be highlighted.Get the financial house in order so we can stop being in perpetual fundraising mode. Ditch the new age hucksterism. Selling highly questionable items and get rich programs belong on the home shopping network for gullible morons not on Pacifica and FIRE Christine Blasdale because she is the one pushing these things!!!I would make Pacifica more present and participatory in society beyond its daily broadcast. I moved to LA in 2003 and was immediately aware of KCRW and KPCC, and LA Weekly. They sponsor and are present at cultural events. Many people talk about them. I do not ever recall Pacifica arising in any conversation. Pacifica has never come up in web search results for any news story for which I have ever searched for more information.Sell it off and use the proceeds to finance a modern, progressive digital imprint.Hate, really HATE to say it, but one has to somehow catch people in their 20’s and 30’s a bit more (I’m in 60’s)… if only fleetingly that their electronic address in given if poss. Then keep up-dating them with things periodically. And making the archive system as cutting-edge as possible, so, for example, “Something’s Happening” doesn’t HAVE to be listened to in the middle of the night, possibly increasing listener-ship by a dozen-fold eventually. Other matters deserve hard thinking about.Improve the financial condition of the station so we are not subjected to the incessant fund drives! Cut WBAI and Gary Null off and stop paying the rent/mortgage on that expensive NY office building. Make Democracy Now! broadcast from Amy or Juan’s place and declare a jubilee on the massive debt Gary Null has accrued towards Pacifica. He’s got enough moolah from his health food store there in Manhattan.People used to listen to FDR’s “fireside chats,” because they knew who was speaking and what time the “chat” was going to take place. What if organizers selected two hours per week as “21st Century Fireside Chats.” Schedule well known Progressive leaders to share their thoughts about issues that are crucial to the lives of “ordinary people.”Get the hippie-dippy New Age baloney off. More Barbara Prescod, more Rich Jeserich, more Marxist analysis, more communists.Reorganize a la New Day so that the larger stations won’t be broken up to save the debt-ridden stations….and keep our local control to address the needs of all of Pacifica.Get your top media people to become household names with a rigorous PR campaign that gets them on TV, radio, social media, etc.Streamline the governing process; create a fundraising arm or development office nationally with networks in every Pacifica region or market area. Actively survey the listeners on usefulness of program offerings; stabilize the management and leadership locally and nationally.The non-stop fundraising let’s the audience know that something is not right with the organization. I listen all the time and have to wonder who is running the organization. I know there’s support for the station + incredible amount of quality volunteers donating their work. It would be great to get a solid business structure to match the strength of the signal.Make it less corporate and more diverse. Talk about workers and unions and have cultural programs that reflect the communities they serve. What happened to “Straight No Chaser”? I loved that music program. another great show? Smoke Rings. Have music appreciation programs with the experts in music like Gustave Dudamel. Interview guests like Professor Gerald Horne who wrote the authoritative book on Jazz titled, “The Political Economy of Jazz”. interview real intellectuals, not posers.By maintaining its democratic governance structure and establishing a task force to learn and teach — working with all five stations — how to effectively utilize the network’s archived programs (which is most of them) to tap into the podcasting world, the medium typically used by members of younger generations to access audio programming. And NEVER AGAIN cynically betray the founder’s pacifism (the source of the network’s name) by resorting to transparent fascism: sending violent thugs to a Pacifica station (that was, btw, GIVEN to the network, along with more than a decade of massive financial support from the benefactor, which is how Pacifica was able to survive and expand) to terrorize staff, cause extensive damage and frighten the landlord, who had always been a Pacifica supporter, with the goal — at the very least — of quashing local community control at that station.Better organized websites would permit access to podcasts by subject. Comments within those areas could be moderated. Content could be tagged and reposted to social media sites.Pacifica needs a social media strategistPacifica can spread itself into red states via social media, especially with regard to Calendars, elections, events, and partners . . . “

What are Left and Right Media?


Thanks again to Pacifica in Exile and Tracy: “Let me help you out, Kevin. What you are saying is not what journalism experts actually think.  

The Times’s problem, Jarvis said, is that manufacturing conversation by ensuring different viewpoints are heard,, is overly simplistic and does a disservice to the newspaper’s readers.

“Again, what is The New York Times’ north star?,” Jarvis said. “Neutrality is a myth. Journalism cannot be objective but we must be transparent. We get in trouble all the time when we try to chase the god of objectivity to balance neutrality. I think that’s what happened at The Times.”

“We’ve seen too many journalists confuse not taking sides with not calling out liars and frauds,” says MIT researcher and author.

The report found that several BBC shows fell victim to an “over-rigid application of editorial guidelines on impartiality,” resulting in far too much airtime for climate change deniers. A follow-up report published in 2014 concluded that this key conclusion “still resonates today”.

This situation, known as false balance, arises when journalists present opposing view-points as being more equal than the evidence allows. But when the evidence for a position is virtually incontrovertible, it is profoundly mistaken to treat a conflicting view as equal and opposite by default

Allowing storytellers to center a perspective in news is not new, and in fact was commonplace in a great deal of news reporting throughout the 18th and early 19th centuries. The Muckrakers who exposed corruption in government, the work of Ida B. Wells-Barnett, which exposed the horrors of lynchings in America, these were not objective narratives. Wells-Barnett was not out to show some balanced perspective on why Black people were being murdered in the South without justification.

What are some of the problems that arise with both-sides reporting?

First, as mentioned, it centers perspective as opposed to truth telling. That in turn leads to the elevation of absurd ideas for the sake of balance, which is what we call the creation of false equivalencies.


On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 8:19 PM Kevin White <> wrote:
Dear “Journalist,”

Have your ever asked a supporter of New Day Pacifica a single question? You seem to just continually publish your own unsubstantiated opinions like some like some old political party hack. Let me teach you journalism. You’re opinion isn’t the story. The people and the happening are the story. Please ask both sides or just shut up.

Kevin White

On Sunday, May 30, 2021, 9:56:04 PM CDT, Ann Garrison <> wrote:

Kevin, there’s no one I’d rather see endorsing New Day Pacifica.
On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 6:57 PM Kevin White <> wrote:
Do you support New Day Pacifice? I do. I consider them them the real path out of this nonsense. Please streamline our governance.

Kevin White

On Sunday, May 30, 2021, 8:11:28 PM CDT, Pacifica Democracy Project <> wrote:

Some things are beyond


Excerpt ” . . . can be found later at and click on ‘what happened?’ Thanks to Sha Tahmasebi for redesigning and maintaining the website.
AUDIO ARCHIVES  “Something’s Happening!” (and the Sunday ‘Alan Watts’) are available for listening on demand for 60 days after broadcast. Go to and click on ‘Audio Archives.’ Be sure to use the handy search engine to list only the program (s) you are interested in listening to. “Something’s Happening!” and “Alan Watts” are not downloadable because they contain program material which is not owned by Pacifica (nor me).
BEHIND THE SCENES The fund drive will go on another week, until June 4. With a $650,000 original goal, we have just made $300,000 at the end of May – a problem we are sharing with other non profits.
“Something’s Happening!” Has maintained #1 position of all programs in the amount of pledges taken as well as the level of listenership. Buzz and I have brought in far beyond our salaries and program expense which should make the ongoing program good for the station’s budget but things haven’t seemed to be evaluated that way in current bookkeeping by the boards. And we certainly contribute excellently to the Pacifica Mission! (for over 70 years combined) And Buzz has served both on the national and the local boards. Our proposed layoffs reek of Qanon logic. . . . “
This page is from 2015:



Excerpt: . . . “Pacifica stations but to be able to personally pocket some of the proceeds. That unaccountable National Board led to crises that culminated in the lockout of KPFA in 1999 and the Christmas Coup at WBAI in 2000, triggering a long struggle that culminated in the current democratic bylaws structure.

Flash forward to 2019, and a rogue minority faction on the National Board, intent on selling the New York station, WBAI, and use the proceeds to benefit the Western stations in the network, launched a coup. Farcically insisting they were attempting to “save” WBAI, coup mongers, led by since fired Interim Executive Director John Vernile (then on the job for all of two months!) and National Board Secretary Bill Crosier, removed WBAI from the air in the midst of a fund drive.

The fund drive was stopped, the web site at which listeners could make donations was disabled and all local programming was taken off the air, replaced with canned programming from California with no local content. The team led by Mr. Vernile that descended on WBAI the morning of October 7, 2019, dismantled the equipment, rendering it impossible to broadcast; immediately fired all employees; confiscated the station bank account; took checks left in the office; put padlocks on the doors; and told the station’s landlord she should find a new tenant while cutting off rent payments. The WBAI web site, including all archives of past shows, was wiped clean and replaced with a one-page site with a propaganda message justifying the coup. Not the actions of people with the interests of listeners at heart.

That coup would be reversed a month later, but the other half of the coup attempt, a referendum on bylaws proposed by those behind the WBAI shutdown, remained to be contested. It was defeated by a nearly 2-to-1 margin by both listeners and staff a year ago.

Nonetheless, we have to go through this again, instead of putting energy into tackling Pacifica’s problems. This time the proposed bylaws, while still . . . “

Ed. Note: KPFK would not, would never be a beneficiary or perpetrator of this, just KPFANationalOffice.

From Rescue Pacifica

Traditional AuthorityEgalitarian/Consultative
Situation: management sharing a decision
Members ask logistical clarifying questions to effectively implement the decisionMembers ask questions to understand rationale, measure against mission, express concerns, and possibly co-create something better.
Asking management questions about decisions in private
Purpose: manager gets member “on board” with decision. Convincing through fallacy, seduction, or threat is allowed. Member’s questions not to be answered unless the answer gets them “on board”.Member seeks to understand manager’s proposal, how it flows from and is related to common purpose (mission), and may raise concerns which are expected to be addressed, possibly resulting in a proposal modification.
Asking management questions about decisions in public
Threat to authority. Not being a team player. Management must re-establish authority or lose face and power.Seek to understand proposal and assess how it matches the common purpose (mission), raising concerns about mismatches, propose possible modifications to address mismatches. Proposal will NOT go forward while significant unaddressed concerns persist.
Discussing and critiquing management decisions and edicts among members
Polarizing the organization. Threat to authority. Mutiny. Disrespectful to avoid using proper channels.Benefitting from diversity’s wisdom. Safeguarding against decisions counter to mission. Combatting marginalization.
Failing to produce the membership list when requested by a member
Protection. Protecting members from harassment. Securing lines of authority and communication. Squashing divisiveness and pain. Possibly saving face.Censorship. Free speech rights violation. Legal violation. Trying to avoid responsibility to answer relevent questions.

Please note that member lists cannot be accessed by members to get addresses etc., they go to Mailing House to have the messages be sent out to members.

KPFA built its building, KPFK built its building in 1971, enabling:

May 4, 2021, 5:29 AM (8 days ago)

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 2:01 AM <> wrote:
> Your philosophy would have worked well when WBAI was financially supporting the whole network including the struggling CA stations, which I guess would have been sold off in the 70’s when they were flailing.

i’ve heard of such times, but haven’t seen documentation. pacifica did
sell a national office in 1981 to bail out WBAI and WPFW, so 1925 MLK
wasn’t the first casualty.

> I know divide and conquer is appealing to some, but cannabalism is what it is. The reality of paying the bills sometimes calls for belt tightening, but you always hold onto the stations and local broadcasting because
> that is Pacifica’s mission and delivering on what the mission demands is what controls the actions of nonprofit organizations. That’s the difference, by the way.

that is certainly the important difference. pacifica’s mission is
nonspecific as to location, and as i’m sure we all know, reads in
part: “To establish and operate for educational purposes, in such
manner that the facilities involved shall be *as nearly
self-sustaining as possible*, one or more radio broadcasting
stations…” if a station or facility chronically fails to sustain
itself, trying another market is an obvious idea.

pacifica foundation board meeting, 11/21/81:

After a long discussion of needs and alternatives, a Resolution was
adopted, 16 for, 0 opposed, 1 abstention, as follows:

Moved (Mel Reich) Seconded (Alex Vavoulis), carried:

That the President be empowered, in consultation with the Executive
Director, Treasurer, KPFK Station Manager, and the Board of Directors
members in Los Angeles, to mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose of the
National Office building as quickly as possible; provided that
$216,000 shall be available in the first year for National Office debt
retirement, moving expense, retirement of first mortgage and real
estate commission.

The motion on use of the money that would become available was passed
14 for, 0 opposed, 1 abstention as follows:

That to the extent monies are available from the sale or other
disposition of the National Office Building, or financing relating to
the sale or other disposition of the National Office Building, the
monies shall be applied to the following matters:

1. Retirement of National Office debt of up to $120,000;
2. Moving expense of National Office of approximately $25,000;
3. Loan to WBAI of up to $60,000; and
4. Grant to WPFW of up to $60,400…

From 1997, the Healthy Station push


“The “Healthy Station project” comes to KPFA

16 viewsSubscribe

Lyn Gerry's profile photo

Lyn Gerry

unread,Jul 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AMto
Lynne Chadwick, co-founder of NFCB’s “Healthy Station
Project” named as new manager for KPFA

On July 3, 1997 KPFA management announced that Lynne Chadwick,
Director of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, would
take over for outgoing KPFA GM Marci Lockwood. Chadwick is one of the
founders of the “Healthy Station Project” which pushed community
stations toward commercialization and “professionalization,” and
advocated the use of more paid staff and a reduced role for community
programmers and members in decision-making.

The Grassroots Radio Coalition, whose second annual conference will
take place at the end of this month in Boulder, Colorado, is composed
of a growing number of stations who have rejected the “Healthy
Station” premise. In many cases, these community stations have had to
fight long hard battles to take their stations back. Because of this,
the GRC conference attendees understood and were supportive of Free
Pacifica delegates who attended last years conference to publicize our

This a further ominous step in the program of the current Pacifica
regime of Executive Director Pat Scott, whose “5-year Plan”
articulates a goal of re-creating Pacifica Stations as a “professional
broadcast organization.”

Jesse Walker, a community broadcaster and journalist, has provided the
following excerpt from a work- in -progress which explains the
“Healthy Station” project and the struggle against it. (WERU is one
of the co-founders and sponsors of the Grassroots Radio Coalition.)

For more info on the GRC, visit the GRC website:

In an excerpt from an early draft of a forthcoming paper, J . . . “

Pacifica Radio on your screen?


From Studio B, where most talk radio shows originate? With a toggle switch between B and Master Control?

“My question still is what plans do you and your allies on the Pacifica Board and elsewhere have to bring Pacifica into the current era and capture a younger audience.

form a task force to figure out what has driven the younger audience
from streaming and digital physical media to retro electromechanical
phonographs (ie, “vinyl”). then adapt that driver for the type of
sound pacifica creates, to facilitate easy migration of this younger
audience from streaming and audio podcast / download to pacifica’s
retro FM broadcasts.

maybe what pacifica needs are more music programs certified to source
all sound from vinyl. i think free radio berkeley had a program called
“vinyl time machine” which did just this. fortunately for KPFA, they
never acquired an FCC license. so let pacifica seize this opportunity!
pacifica could augment the audio broadcast with jacket and liner notes
images over the Internet, and more fully recreate an album experience
which would be new to this younger audience. make sure the task force
examines any necessary licensing for the images.

too bad the younger audience will most often have to appreciate a
seventeen inch image on a six inch screen, but maybe they’ll gather
around the iMac for a nicer and more social experience.”

Repeater Station? We’ll hear KPFA over our KPFK 90.7 FM

  • Excerpt:
  • KPFK owes about $300,000 to the Pacifica National Office which imperils the entire Network. (According to the KPFK Business Manager in the KPFK Finance Committee meeting of Jan. 13, 2021 the exact amount is $294,632.) Pacifica owes its accounting firm over $200,000. If this firm stops work for us it could jeopardize our nonprofit status, delay our audits and violate the terms of our $3.2 million loan.

The Pacifica National Office no longer has reserves to cover KPFK shortfalls. According to Anita Sims, Pacifica interim Chief Financial Officer, funds will have to be taken from KPFA to cover them.

KPFK has a narrow window of time to maintain its independence. All efforts to improve KPFK income have either failed completely or been inadequate to make up for revenue declines.Repeater Stations will be run by the Biggest Fish in the pond. If action is not taken to reduce expenses immediately drastic measures very damaging to KPFK may take place. If KPFK can’t raise enough money to pay its expenses it may have to be shut down or its building sold.

Sharon Adams, KPFA Treasurer, has stated several times that any station that can’t pay its bills should have all of its staff laid off and be converted to a ‘repeater’ station. You can hear her saying this in the National Finance Committee meeting of Oct. 27, 2020.”

Advice from a Listener/worker


Thanks for this: Sidney Smith”Change your formats upgrade the tech refine your world view to attract new generations of progressives. Become more effective by going back to the foundations of the network. That is be interesting inventive humorous inviting thoughtful. Humane to all points of view. Even with those we don’t agree with…this was a foundation of Pacifica which was lost from the 70’s on. We became a cult an already converted choir to be preached to. The main critical sense I get from people is that we talk of what’s wrong, but rarely of how to actually fix it. Fix it in a way open to all as opposed to the doctrinaire. Do this, and an audience a 21st century audience will come. Don’t, and be stuck with an shrinking listenership of the stubbornly convinced. I joined WBAI when I was 28. I left or was forcible retired during one of the cyclic purges for the usual reasons at 63. So I have some notion of how things are. Circular firing squads of varying kinds. Some better some worse, but all in that circle. Open up to this now not so new century. This with all of the complex changes it has wrought. Mind I know many former staff, and supporters have been saying this since at least the 90’s. For 30 years such simple suggestions have been ignored. So here you still are hanging by the skin of your teeth. There are other kinds of Listener Sponsored radio stations, and networks out there. They mostly thrive. Ask them why. Hint…they advance, and change with the times, and eras. They are open to new ways of doing business performing on the air, and just being…being in this era, and looking ahead. I know this first hand having been part of a few since retirement. I expect this will be ignored by the entrenched powers or ruling ideological cliques. Though perhaps some individuals working in these digital fields of grass might pause, and consider. Regardless good luck you all.”

Bob Fass at WBAI nights,

Sidney Smith
This two minute video I recorded in our Wall Street studios. This of Bob Fass doing his long time program Radio Unnamable during a fund raiser. We’re a non-commercial network founded by Pacifists in 1947.

My dear friend Bob Fass has passed away.
He was a fixture in New York radio for 50 years, and more. I was honored to work with him during my broadcast career. He was noted for his courage compassion wit, and unique humor. Also the man could be impossible sometimes. Which was added seasoning to the experience of knowing, and loving him. He was much respected by the arts, and political communities. Below a very short video I recorded of him on air. Bless him. ❤

Computer Age News

“This week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg granted a rare, live, hourlong interview to a tech journalist, where he revealed the company’s plans for a slew of new audio products. Normally, such a scoopy, wide-ranging interview would be a coup for the media company that landed it. But in this case, there was no traditional media company: The interviewer was Casey Newton, who writes a Substack newsletter called Platformer, and the setting was a new Discord server that Newton and seven other independent writers have created called Sidechannel. A thousand people—paying subscribers to at least one of the newsletters—tuned in.

It was the latest milestone in Substack’s ascendance as a platform for high-profile journalism. The company’s rise, punctuated by a venture capital round that valued it at $650 million, has been fueled by an influx of well-known commentators formerly employed by major media outlets such as the New York Times, Vox, and BuzzFeed. Some are lured by the editorial freedom, others by the cash on offer, which for top writers can hit seven figures. Several outlets have lost their biggest names to Substack (though not always unhappily); Slate and New York recently lost their star advice columni . . . . “

I can’t help but refute New Day


It’s easy to balance the budget by laying off staff.

It’s easy to bloom from small numbers when you don’t have digital and internet resources to count with, until you do have those resources. It’s a false comparison, apples and oranges.

For Strategic Plan, read Brainwashing Session

2015 Pledges and Money

They above day-sheet is unusual in that Sojourner Truth did not make $3,000, and neither did Background Briefing. This is from a 2015 FunDrive. Roy’s Something’s Happening did excellent for an overnight show. Now they want to lay him off. And they laid off Christine Blosdale, who made maybe 1/3 of total FunDrive money.

Why lay off staff at KPFK, KPFA keeps bragging that it’s the financial rock upon which the network stands? They have a flush staff. Last time I was allowed to look, they even employed someone with a developmental or other mental disability, to do small work in the Membership department. And their dept. head said about another membership task, “you can do it during your free time at work.” Yes the disabled should be respected, nothing against the disabled, we always hire them if they are capable, but at the cost of laying off essential personnel who are keeping the station from going under? Why lay off the news staff at KPFK? And money-making programmers? Don’t get me started!
Membership is the department that physically and digitally brings in the money! KPFA is in the hippie heaven of the world. It was always lefty and the site of the Free Speech Movement of the 60’s. Their listeners take it for granted that they should support their lefty radio station.

At KPFK-Please don’t let this happen: Roy of Hollywood, Something’s Happening: “National board meeting will meet Thursday night to discuss layoffs of Roy and Buzz and others. If you want to help write an email to and the national board at (a single email to both is OK). “

Roy gets a little pay as programmer and overnight staff/boardop. His show makes amazing money for an overnight show.

Yay us!


The Pirate Radio Broadcaster Who Occupied Alcatraz and Terrified the FBI

Over fifty years ago, John Trudell overcame tragedy to become the national voice for Native Americans—and a model for a new generation of activists.

Read when you’ve got time to spare.a smiling man speaking into a microphone

Trudell had one thing the FBI could not stop: his voice. Image by Michelle Vignes/Gamma-Rapho, via Getty Images

He sat at the same table each evening, sometimes with lighting and sometimes without, a cigarette often in hand, a guest always by his side. In the background, the sound of waves rolling against the rocks and the stuttering of a backup generator were constants. Then, with a crackly yet true radio connection, streaming through the wires from an unthinkable place — Alcatraz Island — he began speaking in a calm, determined voice. The nation was listening.

In the Pacifica Radio Archives, located in a modest brick building in North Hollywood, you can hear what hundreds of thousands of Americans heard on those evenings.File through the cassettes and you will find more than a dozen tapes labeled with a single word: Alcatraz. Each is followed by a date, anywhere from December 1969 to August 1970.

But these were not simply programs about Alcatraz, that island in the notoriously frigid San Francisco Bay that was home to a federal prison until it closed in 1963. Rather, they were broadcast from the former prison building itself, from a small cell without heat and only a lone generator for power rumbling in the background.

The show was called Radio Free Alcatraz , and it was hosted by John Trudell, a Santee Sioux Native American activist and broadcaster.

By the winter of 1969, Trudell could be found in that austere cell, speaking over the rush of waves in a composed Midwestern accent. And by 1973, he had become one of the FBI’s most feared activists, with a file that would eventually run longer than 1,000 pages.

Why would the FBI compose its longest dossier about a broadcaster speaking from a rocky island a mile offshore? What was Trudell saying that frightened them so much?

Trudell was advocating for Native American self-determination, explaining its moral and political importance to all Americans. On air, he often revealed the innumerable ways the government was violating Native American rights: obstructing fishing access in Washington State, setting unfair prices on tribal lands, removing Native American children from local schools. But he didn’t just reveal the cruel contradictions at the heart of American society. He imagined a future in which equality — between different American cultures, and between all people and the earth itself — would become a reality

And for the first time, non–Native American communities were listening. More than 100,000 people tuned in to Pacifica stations in California, Texas and New Yo . . .

Latest, and they call the LSB board members crazy-


Excerpt and excerpt:

  New Day’s Jan Goodman Accused of Financial Misconduct by KPFA Board Members   Berkeley-In a second amended Turner vs. Pacifica Foundation complaint filed at the end of February, KPFA board chair Christina Huggins, KPFA LSB member Donald Goldmacher and Pacifica director Andrea Turner accuse Jan Goodman, the proposed new vice-chair of the board in the “New Day” bylaws proposal, of prohibited self-dealing and financial misconduct while on the board.  The complaint states:  On or about March 28, 2018, the transaction of a $500,000 loan to PFI from Pacifica Supporters Loan LLC. The principals of PSLLC are Jerry Manpearl, an attorney and Goodman’s husband, and King Reilly. At the time of the subject loan transaction, Goodman was a member of the Pacifica Foundation board. … Despite her obvious conflict of interest on account of being married to a principal of the lender, Goodman did not recuse herself or abstain from the PFI Board of Directors vote approving the loan, but instead voted to approve the loan. $28,000 was paid to Manpearl, Goodman’s husband, for legal fees and expenses and $10,000 was paid to Reilly as a brokers fee…. The PSLLC-PFI loan was unlawful and a prohibited self-dealing transaction”.  Now to be clear, like pretty much everything in the sloppy lawsuit from “Pacifica Safety Net”, this charge is bogus and untrue. For one thing, Goodman did recuse herself from the closed session vote on the loan. But what is important to note  is that Goodman is being put forward as the future vice-chair of the board for 3 full years, with the power to personally select enough of the other board members under the New Day proposal to ensure her agenda will prevail. Yet some of those at KPFA on the record loudly supporting the New Day bylaws revisions have no compunctions about swearing in a court of law that Goodman’s behavior has been unlawful and unethical.  We hate to cite this lawsuit at all, as it is such a ridiculous piece of work (pretty much what would happen if you took a Save KPFA propaganda email and cut and pasted it on to legal paper without the most basic fact checking), but here at Pacifica in Exile, we provide documents, so here it is. You’re paying for it.  What this episode reveals is that the New Day folks, while they may be promising you smaller boards that will never fight, in reality have absolutely no hesitations turning on each other with bogus accusations whenever they feel it is advantageous. The “New Day” will be much like the old days. We can’t come up with any justification for them  trying to revise the bylaws to install a board member that they would testify to a court under penalty of perjury is guilty of unlawful and unethical conduct.  The moral of the story is that you can’t fix bad behavior with bylaws. Under any set of bylaws and any organizational structure, people that want to wreak havoc and sling allegations at their colleagues, will do so. The “New Day” alliance between KPFA, KPFA and possibly KPFT against the two east coast stations is built on a highly shaky foundation that is coming apart before their bylaws revision even comes to a vote in May. It won’t fix Pacifica. It won’t even stop the board members from suing each other. Vote NO on the New Day bylaws in May and more importantly, start taking names. The KPFA and KPFK board members who have refused to condemn the Safety Net lawsuit from Goldmacher, Huggins and Turner should not be returned to any Pacifica board. The New Day supporters pretending that changing the bylaws is changing the bad behavior on the boards are not what Pacifica needs. If you reject the New Day proposal, you’ll still have the ability to vote off bad behavior and those who sanction it. And that is how you really create a new day for Pacifica. If you value being kept up to speed on Pacifica Radio news via this newsletter, you can make a little contribution to keep Pacifica in Exile publishing . Donations are secure, but not tax-deductible. To subscribe to this newsletter, please visit our website at ### Started in 1946 by conscientious objector Lew Hill, Pacifica’s storied history includes impounded program tapes for a 1954 on-air discussion of marijuana, broadcasting the Seymour Hersh revelations of the My Lai massacre, bombings by the Ku Klux Klan, going to jail rather than turning over the Patty Hearst tapes to the FBI, and Supreme Court cases including the 1984 decision that noncommercial broadcasters have the constitutional right to editorialize, and the Seven Dirty Words ruling following George Carlin’s incendiary performances on WBAI. Pacifica Foundation operates noncommercial radio stations in New York, Washington, Houston, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area, and syndicates content to over 180 affiliates. It invented listener-sponsored radio.
Thanks again for all your good work to Pacifica In Exile

Even Mummia speaks on Pacifica


Excerpt: “About the newest events occurring at Pacifica stations… centralization is essentially one thing and one thing only: CONTROL. Centralization is how the system reproduces itself, by quieting the voice of those people it deems deviant, those people it deems dissident, those people it deems other than human, other than people. … Centralization is about control. And de-centralization is about liberation, freedom, and liberating voices, personalities, identities that have been under the thumb of repression.

So I know what side I’m on.
I hope you’re on that side.”

~ Mumia Abu Jamal, December 7, 2020

On Tuesday, December 8, four KPFA plaintiffs – Pacifica National Board (PNB) member Andrea Turner-Dyson, Local Station Board (LSB) Chair Christina Huggins, LSB member Donald Goldmacher, and former LSB member and secretary, Craig Alderson – sued to put Pacifica into receivership. Their complaint featured provably false claims about Pacifica’s relationship with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the status of our audits, and includes events that occurred while many of the “New Day Pacifica”(NDP) / “Pacifica Restructuring Project” actors were part of management and/or governance majorities.

The Los Angeles court attack was sprung just days after the PNB agreed on a timeframe for a 2021 Bylaw Replacement Referendum from NDP. Although most 4th graders could have convincingly argued that NDP’s “new” proposal was too similar to the resoundingly rejected 2020 Referendum to warrant the expenditure of the organization’s limited funds, the Board acceded to the NDP demand / threat rather than going to court.

So much for limiting legal expenses… Apparently, there is no . . . “

Whaddiya Know-


From “

Pacifica’s KPFA funded defense of the WBAI takeover…



Berkeley – Law firm Foster Garvey has revealed that $80,000 was secretly wired from Berkeley radio station KPFA’s operating account in October of 2019 to the law firm that was defending the failed WBAI shutdown. The amount represents approximately one out of every five dollars donated in KPFA’s September/October fall fund drive.


Well-known member

This is what some people would call “inside baseball.”  

Theater of My Mind

Well-known member

TheBigA said: This is what some people would call “inside baseball.”
It is, but I don’t mind seeing it posted since Chris Alberts’ blog and the WBAI blue board are gone now, making it harder to keep up with the antics.

Anyway, isn’t there a long tradition of Pacifica board members spending crazy percentages of their organization’s money on court cases and lawyers to fight their own internal battles? This doesn’t seem like anything new or surprising. The whole operation is like watching the endless petty battles inside a terrible HOA.  


Well-known member

Theater of My Mind said: The whole operation is like watching the endless petty battles inside a terrible HOA.
Exactly. Here we are, six months later, and how have t . . . “

Picture is from many years ago-


Peter Sutheim passed


Excerpt: “Born in New York City, Peter’s early interest in classical music, radio, and electronics spurred him to collect and modify “mostly junk” from NYC’s Radio Row. He graduated from UConn Storrs in 1961, worked briefly at a Hartford CT radio station, then returned to NYC, where he was mentored by renowned high-end radio manufacturer and philanthropist Avery Fisher, becoming an associate editor with Radio Electronics and a free-lance audio journalist for other magazines. A dream job called him to Los Angeles: Director of Operations at KPFK-FM (1973-1979). Making significant recordings for alternative radio in the 1960’s and early 1970’s with the organization Radio Free People honed Peter’s editing skills. H . . . “

They Threatened to sue Pacifica


Excerpt: “Two websites created F18Sep2020: (also the destination when keying ‘’) – and no, there’s no ‘’. (Thx to a reader for this info.) The main site links show their colours: New Day Pacifica, & Save KPFA – a 501(c)(3) registered Tu29Sep2020: doc linked from Pacifica in Exile, please see below – will also be embedded on this webpageof course, a GoFundMe, created 5Oct2020: “Donald Goldmacher is organizing this fundraiser” – well, he is the chief financial officer, according to the Cali Secretary of State; “$60,000 goal”; as of Pacific breakfast, W16Dec, $1 350 had been raised from 8 donors, all within the last 24hrs bar the first donation, made 18 days ago, Sa28Nov; publicly disclosed M16Nov2020, to the Cali Secretary of State: Sherry Gendelman, Chief Executive Officer; Craig Alderson, Secretary; & Donny ‘do you think I care?’ Goldmacher, Chief Financial Officer – see Pacifica in Exile doc dropa YouTube channel, Pacifica Safety Net, created F20Nov2020: 13 subscribers as of Tu15Dec; no public content, but two vids (detailed below), that are ‘unlisted’, so they don’t come up in a YT search, but each has a URL so can be shared; notably, comments are turned off – these peeps aren’t into conversation, discussion: they’re steamrollers (think tankies), into dissemination, into top-down communication;[UPDATE . . . the two vids were made public at c. 1600PT W16Dec (changing the upload date to 16Dec, but leaving the views unchanged).]& a Facebook page created Sa21Nov2020: linked to the primary website; three . . . “

Thanks again to : Pacifica Radio Watch blog-

It Will Never Be Over?


Don’t let Pacifica national mine OUR listeners with a Fund Drive directly to them over OUR airwaves!
Beware of strategic planning and retreats, AKA brainwashing sessions!
They have taken power at the ‘top’, don’t go for their too expensive Get-rich-quick bright ideas! There’s no free lunch.



The Sunday Gummies
A surviving shot from the 1972 Marathon where the Sunday Gummies originally got together as guests on “Nightangels” – the KPFK after midnight series (Bruce Gossard, Tom Stanford, Ethelie Ann, Steven Tyler (not THAT Steven Tyler, Captain Midnight), Rick Brawlver, Jay (? – late night OTR guy) and Jason B Goode). The original Gummies were Gregg Roebuck, Joe Adams, and Phil Tuttle (Laura Tuttle, your uncle?). We wound up as regulars on the Jason B Goode’s Heavenly Miracle Air Experiment, but by then Phil would be gone and David Arias was thrilling us with his electric voice. The only picture we have of Phil is this one.
Personnel – woman who took the picture (with her second generation Polaroid Swinger) reflected in the glass – unknown, Phil Tuttle (Brother Phil, tried to do his own show, Mostly Bluegrass, which didn’t work out).
Next to Phil is Howard Larman, Mitchell Harding and Cathy Kulkin, just married.
Seated is Mike Hodel (Steve Hodel take note). He was director of Public Affairs, co-author of a Sherlock Holmes novel (Enter the Lion), and my personal reporting and production mentor at KPFK. He taught how to do invisible edits with a razor blade and follow a story where the evidence led, not where I wanted it to lead. Standing next to Mike is Will Lewis, station manager, and seated next to him – applauding – is Everette Frost.

Phil Tuttle (Brother Phil, next is Howard Larman, Mitchell Harding and Cathy Kulkin, just married.
Seated is Mike Hodel. He was director of Public Affairs, and my personal reporting and production mentor at KPFK. Standing next to Mike is Will Lewis, station manager, and seated next to him – applauding – is Everette Frost

More Shenanigans


“Before briefly discussing the merits, there is a question of process. Why on earth shouldn’t any bylaws proposal wait until the next election in the summer of 2021 when it can be sent out at no additional cost in a regularly scheduled election? . . . Who wants the energy of Pacifica’s staff going to touting bylaws proposals when earthshatteringly important things are happening every day, much of it misreported by the mainstream media? “
So what’s on the table this time? More handpicked directors. This time, they are:
* Sharon Kyle, the owner of the LA Progressive, an online news site in LA which has had its own financial struggles,
* Jan Goodman, a current director, also from LA, who has already served six consecutive years on the Pacifica National Board and would have to step down at the end of the year, but is proposing via these new bylaws to serve for another 3 years for a total of 9 consecutive years. 
* Lyden Foley, a current director, from Texas.
* Akio Tanaka, a KPFA LSB rep.
All 4 would serve from January 2021 to December 2023 as the preselected officers of the Pacifica National Board.  They would be joined by one representative from each station (none of whom can be officers) and 2 staff reps (one paid and one unpaid) who would be elected in nationwide staff elections, with paid staff voting for paid and unpaid staff voting for unpaid. This cuts staff representation on the national board by 60%, and gives 10x more representation to 100 paid staffers than to the 1,000+ unpaid staffers who produce the majority of the on-air programs. To this group can be added three random at-large directors with no criteria required other than a majority vote by the ad-hoc board. 
It gets worse. After this ad-hoc board does its thing for three years with no input from the listener-sponsors, you will get to vote. You will get to vote in NINE different elections, selecting a person to be the national board chair, a person to be the national board vice chair, a person to be the national board secretary, a person to be the national board treasurer, a person to be the local board chair, a person to be the local board vice-chair, a person to be the local board secretary, a person to be the local board Outreach Coordinator, and a person to be the local board Membership and Fundraising Coordinator. You don’t need to pay any attention to the rest of the local station board since it will be selected for you. “

Next Try


Sue Cohen Johnson
shared a post to the group: KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM Friends Forum
· 23m
Donald Macleay
shared a post.
tnYaesgmtgeShrefdaspaoy anrteu 8g:cm14so redlgdliPM ·
Donald Macleay
YtelesuStpeofrdsacmy aShtniscrsoor 4:S2oa5s ruPeMrid ·

Do NOT sign the “New Day Pacifica” petition.
This is the same old gang who do not want to share KPFA with the member elected boards. They keep losing so now they want rid of the board again. They already tried this move once this year.

Make peace, the military are ultimately powerful with force


The above picture is old,

Ellen Weintraub, a member of the Federal Election Commission, warned earlier this month that there’s a “substantial chance” election winners, including for the presidency, won’t be called the night of the vote. The commissioner urged voters to be patient while extra care is taken to tally all the votes “accurately” in order to “ensure that everyone’s vote counts” Weintraub assured voters, however, that mail-in voting is “absolutely” reliable, noting that one-quarter of all votes in the 2016 presidential election were cast with mail-in ballots (which can also be dropped off at polling stations or in drop boxes, she pointed out).
More from yesterday’s article:
Trump voted by mail last week in Florida’s primary.
Critics say Trump’s assault on mail-in ballots is his attempt to sway the vote in his favor by reducing the number of voters, especially supporters of his rival, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and to establish a fake justification for rejecting results in the event of his loss.
“You’ll never have an election count on November 3rd,” Trump declared. “You’re not going to be able to know the end of this election, in my opinion, for weeks, months — maybe never. It may be years, but maybe never,” he added. “Because once you go past the first week, you’re never going to know.”
Trump Warns U.S. May ‘Never’ Know The Results Of The Presidential Election
Trump Warns U.S. May ‘Never’ Know The Results Of The Presidential Election
He falsely claimed that if the “fraudulent” “mail-in ballot deal” isn’t cleared up by the end of the year, he could be replaced by Nancy Pelosi.

re: Mail-in Voting


They don’t count these until the night of the election, after the networks have called the election. Please vote in person-it’s a one-shot against voter suppression. Trump is in power and is sabotaging the other kinds of votes.

From: Brad Friedman <>
To: ‘Clifford Burton’ <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2020 3:53 pm
Subject: RE: Mail-in votes

That is not entirely correct. MANY jurisdictions begin counting mail-in ballots (the ones that have arrived early, in any event) well before Election Day.
While voting in person may be a good idea for those healthy enough to risk it, they also risk finding they’ve been purged from the roles if they wait until Election Day. And, of course, in jurisdictions which force voters to vote on a 100% unverifiable touchscreen voting system on Election Day at the polls, they should DEFINITELY vote with a HAND-MARKED paper absentee ballot (though delivering it in person on or before Election Day is a very good idea.)

Another source


While Pacifica voters overall voted 66% against disbanding the local boards and other de-democratizing measures, KPFA voters voted overwhelmingly in favor of the de-democratizing measures. What does that tell you about the corruption between KPFA and Pacifica National?

While obviously biased, Pacifica Watch has lots of info on Pacifica:

A good-bye toast with KPFK staff and progs and from Pacifica Radio Archives

From “Pacifica Watch” blog:


movie in KPFK’s parking lot

Excerpt: “…ch a diminution (by-law Article 17, Section 1(B)(3)(v)). Yes, that again. The right affected is that of voting, by making it more difficult to vote on a by-laws amendment brought by just one of the three possible routes, a members’ petition: the threshold has been raised from 1% of members to 5% (so today, from ~435 to ~2 175). How difficult is this? At the last LSB voting round, Aug-Oct2019, a provisional 6 085 voted; given this, it can be said the effective threshold has been raised to something like 35%, a third of typical voters, so beyond the clouds, from 7.1% to 35.7% (435 ÷ 6085, & 2175 ÷ 6085). (The 6 085 is provisional because National Elections Supervisor Renee Penaloza, presumably breaching her contract, still fails to submit her final report!) Silly question I know, but before voting on Th25June did the PNB inform themselves by getting an estimate of the cost of litigation? (pages 9-11)
on a matter that no-one would deem trivial, & is indeed a test of morality, why were all the directors silent, even those from KPFA? And what about Margy Wilkinson’s dad, & the forgotten Smith Act?
(A post will not be made on the unsavory attempt to remove PNB Chair Alex Steinberg (WBAI listener-delegate) & PNB Secretary Grace Aaron (KPFK listener-delegate) from their positions, Th2 & 9July. Pacifica boards are nasty. Toxic. The dynamic brings out the worst in people. It’s as if they enjoy their symptom. Here, yet again, the observing ethnographers were able to record a typically sly manoeuvre by Chris ‘Cowardly’ Cory (KPFA listener-delegate). This time it was a sorry-I-couldn’t-get-the-motion-to-you-in-time-for-the-proposed-agenda-as-I-was-still-writing-it (8:56, & There’s a pattern here. His most disingenuous was when he was Chair of the PNB Finance Cttee the day after the WBAI coup, faking amnesia (what-day-is-it?), feigning ignorance, then largely faking empathy, laced with guilt, wrapping his arms around R Paul, WBAI’s treasurer, “I-I-I I can’t express how much grief I have over this-this last-uh few days […] I don’t have words for it […] if it were my place to apologise I would” (0:01, 5:40, 20:37 & 27:46, & 1:05:41 Self-denigration is a sorry spectacle. And as mom must have told him, no-one likes a liar.)
why are directors choosing to omit a lil detail in their latest reports to their local station board, that the PNB has rejected an offer to buy WBAI’s broadcasting licence? (Note, this was not a proposed signal swap.) …”

Lots of very interesting Info not Verified by Me


Excerpt- “On 2Apr2018, Executive Director Tom Livingston committed Pacifica to the biggest debt in its history, signing the $3.7m loan from the Foundation for the Jewish Community, known in the wider world as FJC.

Pacifica was proud of the new form it had pushed its debt into. It issued a press statement, still on the websites of KPFK & WBAI: &

So proud, the statement to the world included this from the then PNB Chair, Nancy Sorden (who’s still a director & WPFW listener-delegate):  “

One year ago the FJC loan documents were leaked – respect to those responsible


My Biased Answers to Some Inquiries


The stations got a windfall when the Bushes were in office, and they did too much hiring.  Always happens when Repubs. are in office, and in the ’60s.
But KPFA is in ‘hippie heaven’, and always makes plenty of money.  ‘Frisco area is about the most lefty place in the country, one of the most in the world, they support their lefty radio station.
When they have had money problems it’s because overextension and/or mismanagement.
It has had to subsidize the other stations (and Pacifica Radio Archives and National Office) most of its life, except for sometimes KPFK.
KPFT does many things with tech, and spends less on staff.  They are wise enough not to program too Lefty in high listening times,, and live within their means mostly.
We need KPFA but they are too willing to spend money as they see fit, because they somewhat subsidize the rest of us.
Why do they do things?  Because they can.
KPFA never needs to downsize probably, but KPFK and the others do.  The CPB requires 5 full time equivalents at each station.
In programming, stations need a mix of paid staff and volunteers.  Some of KPFK’s paid staff well pay for themselves in fundraising, some don’t.
Managers in the past let some paid staff go.  IMHO K needs to go back to using some volunteer board-ops and newsies and other tasks.  
When I hired on, everyone was a Department Head, with only volunteers for Department workers.  We had only 5 full time equivalents.  We made $2000 a day, on a good day.  Of course that was in 1985, now it would be $4766.  We were in the midst of a bad disaster, which showed in the programming.
I lived without a refrigerator, I know how to downsize.
While Pacifica Radio Archives is in KPFK”S building, it should share their expenses.  It should fix its website so that it would make money, not drain it off, like WBAI.  BAI is in terrible shape.  They have bad smug attitude problems.
Pac. should deal with its bad smug and elitist attitudes.
Some shows stay on because they are such a community service, even tho they don’t make much in fundraising, including news.  Judge one case at a time.
Put the National Office back in KPFK’s building, have them share the costs, make it harder for KPFA and National to bypass due process to spend network money.When I hired on, National and the archives together had about 5 FTEs.  S.